1 What Do You Do For A Living?
Ano ang ikinabubuhay mo? -
2 What do you do for a living?
Ano ang iyong hanapbuhay? -
3 what do you do for a living
hangi iş yapıyorsunuz -
4 what do you do for a living
hangi iş yapıyorsunuz -
5 what do you do for a living?
ar ko jūs nodarbojaties? -
6 what\ do\ you\ do\ for\ a\ living?
miből él?, miből éltek?, miből élsz?English-Hungarian dictionary > what\ do\ you\ do\ for\ a\ living?
7 What Do You Do For A Living?
Ano ang ikinabubuhay mo?English-Tagalog new dictionary > What Do You Do For A Living?
8 What do you do for a living?
Ano ang iyong hanapbuhay?English-Tagalog new dictionary > What do you do for a living?
9 What do you do for living?
[wot du: ju: du: fo: 'living] si e nxjerr jetesën? -
10 what do you do for living?
Общая лексика: чем ты зарабатываешь на жизнь?Универсальный англо-русский словарь > what do you do for living?
11 living
living [ˈlɪvɪŋ]1. adjective2. nouna. ( = livelihood) vie f• what does he do for a living? que fait-il dans la vie ?b. ( = way of life) vie f3. plural noun4. compounds• £50 a week isn't a living wage on ne peut pas vivre avec 50 livres par semaine ► living will noun testament m de vie* * *['lɪvɪŋ] 1.1) ( livelihood) vie f2) ( lifestyle) vie f3) Religion ( incumbency) cure f4)2.the living — (+ v pl) les vivants mpl
adjective vivant•• -
12 living
living ['lɪvɪŋ]1 noun(a) (livelihood) vie f;∎ I have to work for a living je suis obligé de travailler pour vivre;∎ what do you do for a living? qu'est-ce que vous faites dans la vie?;∎ to write for a living vivre de sa plume;∎ she made a (good) living as a pianist elle gagnait (bien) sa vie comme pianiste;∎ to make a living gagner sa vie;∎ you can't make a decent living in this business on gagne mal sa vie ou on a du mal à gagner sa vie dans ce métier(b) (life, lifestyle) vie f;∎ come to California where the living is easy venez en Californie, la vie y est facile;∎ plain living la vie simple(alive) vivant;∎ the study of living organisms l'étude des organismes vivants;∎ he has no living relatives il n'a plus de famille;∎ who's the greatest living boxer? quel est le plus grand boxeur vivant?;∎ while she was living de son vivant;∎ it was the worst storm in living memory de mémoire d'homme on n'avait jamais vu une tempête aussi violente;∎ I didn't see a living soul je n'ai pas vu âme qui vive;∎ she's living proof that the treatment works elle est la preuve vivante que le traitement est efficace;∎ they made her life a living hell ils lui ont rendu la vie infernale;∎ the living dead les morts mpl vivants;∎ living death vie f de souffrances;∎ his life became a living death sa vie ne fut plus qu'une longue souffrance∎ the living les vivants mpl(conditions) de vie►► living allowance indemnité f de séjour;living area aire f de séjour;∎ the living area is separated from the bedrooms la partie séjour est séparée des chambres;Finance living expenses indemnité f de séjour;∎ these are the crew's living quarters ce sont les quartiers de l'équipage;Geology the living rock la roche non exploitée;∎ sculpted from the living rock taillé à même le roc;1 noun(salle f de) séjour mdu salon;living space espace m vital;living standards niveau m de vie;living thing être m vivant;a living wage le minimum vital;∎ £400 a month isn't a living wage on ne peut pas vivre avec 400 livres par mois;living will = testament dans lequel le testataire exprime sa volonté de ne pas être maintenu en vie artificiellement s'il sombre dans un état végétatif irréversible à la suite d'une maladie ou d'un accident -
13 living
A n1 ( livelihood) vie f ; to earn ou make a living gagner sa vie ; to earn ou make an honest/a meagre living gagner sa vie honnêtement/avec difficulté ; to work for a living travailler pour gagner sa vie ; what do you do for a living? qu'est-ce que vous faites dans la vie? ; it's not much of a living ça permet tout juste de vivre ;2 ( lifestyle) vie f ; easy/loose living une vie facile/de débauche ; high living la grande vie ; fast living une vie de bâton de chaise ;3 ( incumbency) cure f ;B adj [person, organism, legend, symbol, language] vivant ; to be living proof of être la preuve vivante de ; the living word Relig la parole vivante ; a living hell un véritable enfer ; within living memory de mémoire d'homme ; there wasn't a living soul il n'y avait pas âme qui vive.to be still in the land of the living être encore de ce monde. -
14 living
1) (having life; being alive: a living creature; The aim of the project was to discover if there was anything living on Mars.) vivo2) (now alive: the greatest living artist.) vivoliving1 adj vivo / vivienteliving2 n vidawhat do you do for a living? ¿cómo te ganas la vida?
living /'liBin/ sustantivo masculino (pl◊ - vings) (esp AmS) living room' living' also found in these entries: Spanish: actualmente - alma - barrer - bicho - cohabitación - colmo - comer - continuar - cuarta - cuarto - dedicarse - ser - espacio - garbanzo - haber - hacer - imagen - mendicidad - miseria - mueble - pared - pisada - presidir - residir - sala - salón - soñar - sustento - todavía - vida - vivir - viviente - carestía - condición - convivencia - costo - digno - domicilio - estar - fantasía - farrista - frijol - ganar - incómodo - menester - nivel - trabajar - vivo English: accustom - actually - alive - amiss - breeding ground - burst - carp - central - cost of living - dad - daddy - delusion - deplorable - drawback - dread - earn - expatriate - grand - imagine - living - living conditions - living room - living standards - lodger - ornate - previous - pros and cons - sin - spiral up - contemporary - cost - die - eke out - front - healthy - in - keep - life - long - lounge - memory - now - sitting - soul - standard - threetr['lɪvɪŋ]1 vivo,-a1 vida■ what do you do for a living? ¿cómo te ganas la vida?1 los vivos nombre masculino plural\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto be the living image of somebody ser la viva imagen de alguiento earn a living / make a living ganarse la vidaliving room salón nombre masculino, sala de estarliving standards nivel m sing de vidaliving wage sueldo mínimoliving ['lɪvɪŋ] adj: vivoliving nto make a living : ganarse la vidaadj.• viviente adj.• vivo, -a adj.n.• mantenimiento s.m.• modo de vivir s.m.• subsistencia s.f.• vida s.f.• vivir s.m.
I 'lɪvɪŋ1) ( livelihood) (no pl)to earn o make one's/a living — ganarse la vida
they scrape o scratch a living selling trinkets — sobreviven or malviven vendiendo chucherías
what do you do for a living? — ¿en qué trabajas?, ¿a qué te dedicas?
2) u ( style of life) vida fclean/loose living — vida ordenada/disoluta; <space/area> destinado a vivienda; < conditions> de vida
living standards — nivel m de vida
3) ( people) (+ pl vb)
adjective (before n) <person/creature> vivo['lɪvɪŋ]he was living proof of the power of the media — era prueba evidente or palpable del poder de los medios de comunicación
1. ADJ1) (=alive) [person, creature, plant] vivoIreland's greatest living playwright — el mejor dramaturgo irlandés vivo or aún con vida
a living death — liter un infierno•
he's the living image of his uncle — es el retrato vivo or la imagen viva de su tíothe San Francisco earthquake is still within living memory — el terremoto de San Francisco tuvo lugar en nuestro tiempo
daylight 1.•
there wasn't a living thing to be seen — no se veía a ningún ser vivo2) (=for living in) [area] destinado a la vivienda2. N1) (=livelihood)•
to earn a living — ganarse la vida•
what do you do for a living? — ¿cómo te ganas la vida?, ¿en qué trabajas?•
to make a living — ganarse la vida•
he thinks the world owes him a living — piensa que tiene derecho a que se lo den todo regalado2) (=way of life) vida fcost 3., standard 3.3.NPL4.CPDliving area N — zona f destinada a la vivienda
living conditions NPL — condiciones fpl de vida
living expenses NPL — gastos mpl de mantenimiento
living quarters NPL — (for students) residencia f ; (for soldiers, servants, staff) dependencias fpl
living room N — sala f de estar, living m
living space N — espacio m vital (also fig)
living standards NPL — nivel m de vida
living wage N — salario de subsistencia
£20 a week isn't a living wage — con 20 libras a la semana no se puede vivir
living will N — declaración f de últimas voluntades (por la que el declarante se niega a que su vida sea prolongada por medios artificiales en caso de encontrarse enfermo en fase terminal)
* * *
I ['lɪvɪŋ]1) ( livelihood) (no pl)to earn o make one's/a living — ganarse la vida
they scrape o scratch a living selling trinkets — sobreviven or malviven vendiendo chucherías
what do you do for a living? — ¿en qué trabajas?, ¿a qué te dedicas?
2) u ( style of life) vida fclean/loose living — vida ordenada/disoluta; <space/area> destinado a vivienda; < conditions> de vida
living standards — nivel m de vida
3) ( people) (+ pl vb)
adjective (before n) <person/creature> vivohe was living proof of the power of the media — era prueba evidente or palpable del poder de los medios de comunicación
15 living
I ['lɪvɪŋ]1) (livelihood) mezzi m.pl. di sostentamentoto earn o make a living guadagnarsi da vivere; to work for a living lavorare per vivere; what do you do for a living? — cosa fai di mestiere? che lavoro fai?
2) (lifestyle) vita f., modo m. di vivere3) relig. beneficio m., prebenda f.4)the living — + verbo pl. i vivi
••II ['lɪvɪŋ]aggettivo [person, language] vivo; [organism, legend] vivente* * *1) (having life; being alive: a living creature; The aim of the project was to discover if there was anything living on Mars.) vivente, vivo2) (now alive: the greatest living artist.) vivente* * *living (1) /ˈlɪvɪŋ/a.1 vivo ( anche fig.); vivente; contemporaneo: (fisiol., med.) living tissue, tessuto vivo; living languages, lingue vive; He is the living image of his mother, è il ritratto vivente di sua madre; a living reality, una viva realtà; the greatest living painter, il maggior pittore contemporaneo2 vivo; ancora in uso● (collett.) the living, i vivi □ a living being, un essere vivente □ living coals, carboni accesi, ardenti □ (fam.) the living daylights, la vita: to knock the living daylights out of sb., riempire q. di botte; dare un fracco di botte a q.; to scare the living daylights out of sb., spaventare q. a morte □ living death, morte apparente; (fig.) vita miserrima, vita dura, vitaccia □ living fossil, (zool., bot.) fossile vivente; (fig. fam.) fossile □ ( arte) living picture, quadro vivente □ (geol.) living rocks, rocce vive □ (teatr.) living theatre, living theatre □ living water, acqua perenne □ in (o within) living memory, a memoria d'uomo □ to be a living skeleton, essere pelle e ossa.♦ living (2) /ˈlɪvɪŋ/A n.1 [uc] (il) vivere; mezzi di sussistenza (o di sostentamento); vita; modo di vivere: to earn one's living, guadagnarsi da vivere (o la vita); plain living, vita modesta (o alla buona); standard of living, tenore di vita; good living, vita agiata; il vivere nell'abbondanza; right living, vita intemerata (o virtuosa); to scrape a living, sbarcare il lunario; tirare avanti2 (relig.) beneficio; prebendaB a. attr.di vita: living conditions, condizioni di vita● living arrangements, soluzione abitativa; sistemazione □ (edil.) living quarters, zona giorno ( di una casa) □ living room, (stanza di) soggiorno; tinello □ living space, (polit.) spazio vitale; (edil.) spazio abitabile (o utile); (edil.) zona giorno □ (edil.) living unit, alloggio unifamiliare □ a living wage, un salario sufficiente per vivere □ (scherz.) It's a living!, bisogna pur vivere! □ That's really living!, questa sì che è vita! □ DIALOGO → - Asking about routine 1- What do you do for a living?, che mestiere fai?* * *I ['lɪvɪŋ]1) (livelihood) mezzi m.pl. di sostentamentoto earn o make a living guadagnarsi da vivere; to work for a living lavorare per vivere; what do you do for a living? — cosa fai di mestiere? che lavoro fai?
2) (lifestyle) vita f., modo m. di vivere3) relig. beneficio m., prebenda f.4)the living — + verbo pl. i vivi
••II ['lɪvɪŋ]aggettivo [person, language] vivo; [organism, legend] vivente -
16 living
1. noun1) Leben, das2) (livelihood) Lebensunterhalt, derearn one's [own] living — sich (Dat.) seinen Lebensunterhalt [selbst] verdienen
it's a living — (joc.) man kann davon leben
3) (way of life) Lebensstil, dergood living — üppiges Leben; (pious) guter Lebenswandel
4) constr. as pl.the living — die Lebenden
2. adjectivebe still/back in the land of the living — noch/wieder unter den Lebenden weilen
* * *1) (having life; being alive: a living creature; The aim of the project was to discover if there was anything living on Mars.) lebendig2) (now alive: the greatest living artist.) lebend* * *liv·ing[ˈlɪvɪŋ]I. nyou can make a good \living in sales von der Arbeit als Vertreter kann man prima lebenis he really able to make a \living as a translator? kann er von der Übersetzerei wirklich leben?to do sth for a \living mit etw dat seinen Lebensunterhalt verdienenwhat do you do for a \living? womit verdienen Sie Ihren Lebensunterhalt?to work for a \living für seinen Lebensunterhalt arbeitenstandard of \living Lebensstandard mfast \living ein ausschweifendes Lebena good \living ein Leben im Wohlstandwe are rather fond of good \living wir leben ganz gerne [so] richtig gutgracious \living ein vornehmer Lebensstilloose \living ein lockerer Lebenswandelcountry \living Landleben nt4. plwe didn't see a \living soul on the streets wir sahen draußen auf der Straße keine Menschenseeledo you have any \living grandparents? hast du Großeltern, die noch leben?are any of your grandparents \living? lebt von deinen Großeltern noch jemand?\living creatures Lebewesen pl2. (exact)to be the \living embodiment of Jesus die leibhaftige Verkörperung Jesu Christi sein3. (still used) lebendiga \living language eine lebende Sprachea \living tradition eine [noch heute] lebendige Tradition4.▶ to be [the] \living proof that... der lebende Beweis dafür sein, dass...▶ to scare the \living daylights out of sb jdn zu Tode erschrecken* * *['lIvɪŋ]1. adjlebend; example, faith lebendig(with)in living memory — seit Menschengedenken
he is living proof of... —
her existence was a living death — ihr Leben war eine einzige Qual
living or dead — tot oder lebendig
2. n1) pl die Lebenden pl2)(= way of living)
the art of living — Lebenskunst fSee:→ academic.ru/70245/standard">standard3) (= livelihood) Lebensunterhalt mto earn or make a living — sich (dat) seinen Lebensunterhalt verdienen
he sells brushes for a living — er verkauft Bürsten, um sich (dat) seinen Lebensunterhalt zu verdienen
they made a bare living out of the soil — sie hatten mit dem Ertrag des Bodens ihr Auskommen
or modeling (US) — von der Arbeit als Model kann man sehr gut leben
to work for one's living — arbeiten, um sich (dat) seinen Lebensunterhalt zu verdienen
some of us have to work for a living — es gibt auch Leute, die arbeiten müssen
* * *living [ˈlıvıŋ]A adj1. lebend (Sprache etc):no man living kein Mensch oder Sterblicher;the greatest of living statesmen der größte lebende Staatsmann;while living bei oder zu Lebzeiten;within living memory seit Menschengedenken;it is within living memory es leben noch Leute, die sich daran erinnern (können);living death trostloses oder schreckliches Dasein;she was a living legend sie war schon zu Lebzeiten eine Legende;2. lebendig (Glaube, Realität etc):4. lebensecht, lebensnah:the living image das getreue Abbild5. Lebens…:living standard Lebensstandard mB s2. das Leben:3. Leben n, Lebensweise f:good living üppiges Leben;4. Lebensunterhalt m:you can’t make a living out of this davon kann man nicht leben5. Leben n, Wohnen n6. REL Br Pfründe f* * *1. noun1) Leben, das2) (livelihood) Lebensunterhalt, derearn one's [own] living — sich (Dat.) seinen Lebensunterhalt [selbst] verdienen
it's a living — (joc.) man kann davon leben
3) (way of life) Lebensstil, dergood living — üppiges Leben; (pious) guter Lebenswandel
4) constr. as pl.2. adjectivebe still/back in the land of the living — noch/wieder unter den Lebenden weilen
* * *adj.lebend adj.lebendig adj. n.Lebensunterhalt m. -
17 living
I. 1. живеене, (начин на) живот
plain LIVING and high thinking скромен живот с възвишени идеали
the art of LIVING изкуството да се живее
2. прехрана, издръжка, средства за препитание
to make/earn/gain/get a LIVING изкарвам си хляба/прехраната (by, out of чрез, от, as като)
what do you do for a LIVING? какво работите? well, it's a LIVING e, изкарвам си прехраната от това
3. църк. бенефиций
4. attr на живот, жизнен
LIVING standard жизнено равнище
LIVING area жилищна площ
II. 1. жив, живеещ, съшествуващ
not a LIVING soul никой, ни жива душа
clean-LIVING който живее почтено, почтен
the greatest LIVING poet най-великият съвременен поет
2. прен. жив (за език, вяра, въглен и пр.)
3. жив, естествен (за цвят и пр.)
4. постоянно течащ, непрекъсващ
5. геол. live
III. n pl the LIVING живите
in the land of the LIVING на тоя свят, сред живите
LIVING death жива смърт, безнадеждно състояние
(with) in LIVING memory в наше време
this event is within LIVING memory има още хора, които си спомнят за това събитие
LIVING theatre театър (не кино, телевизия)
LIVING picture жива картина (на олимпиада и пр.)* * *{'livin} n 1. живеене, (начин на) живот; plain living and high thin(2) {'livin} I. a 1. жив, живеещ, съшествуващ; not a living soul ни* * *съществуващ; прехрана; препитание; бенефиций; живот; живеене; живеещ; жив;* * *1. (with) in living memory в наше време 2. attr на живот, жизнен 3. clean-living който живее почтено, почтен 4. i. живеене, (начин на) живот 5. ii. жив, живеещ, съшествуващ 6. iii. n pl the living живите 7. in the land of the living на тоя свят, сред живите 8. living area жилищна площ 9. living death жива смърт, безнадеждно състояние 10. living picture жива картина (на олимпиада и пр.) 11. living standard жизнено равнище 12. living theatre театър (не кино, телевизия) 13. not a living soul никой, ни жива душа 14. plain living and high thinking скромен живот с възвишени идеали 15. the art of living изкуството да се живее 16. the greatest living poet най-великият съвременен поет 17. this event is within living memory има още хора, които си спомнят за това събитие 18. to make/earn/gain/get a living изкарвам си хляба/прехраната (by, out of чрез, от, as като) 19. what do you do for a living? какво работите? well, it's a living e, изкарвам си прехраната от това 20. геол. live 21. жив, естествен (за цвят и пр.) 22. постоянно течащ, непрекъсващ 23. прен. жив (за език, вяра, въглен и пр.) 24. прехрана, издръжка, средства за препитание 25. църк. бенефиций* * *living[´liviʃ] I. n 1. живеене, живот, начин на живеене; \living apart юрид. разделно живеене; \living together съвместно живеене; 2. прехрана, издръжка, средства за препитание; \living on immoral earnings издръжка от доходи от неморална дейност; to make ( earn) o.'s \living изкарвам си хляба (препитанието, прехраната) (by, out, of); what do you do for a \living? с какво се прехранвате? какво работите? high \living живот (живеене) на широка нога; лукс, разкош; 3. рел. бенефиций; 4. attr за живеене; \living standard жизнен стандарт; \living wage екзистенц-минимум; II. adj 1. живеещ, жив, съществуващ; not a \living soul никой, жива душа; clean \living който води почтен живот; 2. прен. жив (за език, вяра и пр.) • the child is a \living image of his father детето е одрало кожата (е откъснало главата) на баща си; this event is within \living memory все още има живи свидетели на събитието. -
18 living
liv·ing [ʼlɪvɪŋ] nyou can make a good \living in sales von der Arbeit als Vertreter kann man prima leben;is he really able to make a \living as a translator? kann er von der Übersetzerei wirklich leben?;to do sth for a \living mit etw dat seinen Lebensunterhalt verdienen;what do you do for a \living? womit verdienen Sie Ihren Lebensunterhalt?;to work for a \living für seinen Lebensunterhalt arbeitenstandard of \living Lebensstandard m;fast \living ein ausschweifendes Leben;a good \living ein Leben im Wohlstand;we are rather fond of good \living wir leben ganz gerne [so] richtig gut;gracious \living ein vornehmer Lebensstil;loose \living ein lockerer Lebenswandel;country \living Landleben nt4) plwe didn't see a \living soul on the streets wir sahen draußen auf der Straße keine Menschenseele;do you have any \living grandparents? hast du Großeltern, die noch leben?;are any of your grandparents \living? lebt von deinen Großeltern noch jemand?;\living creatures Lebewesen ntpl2) ( exact)to be the \living embodiment of Jesus die leibhaftige Verkörperung Jesu Christi sein3) ( still used) lebendig;a \living language eine lebende Sprache;a \living tradition eine [noch heute] lebendige TraditionPHRASES:to scare the \living daylights out of sb jdn zu Tode erschrecken;to be [the] \living proof that... der lebende Beweis dafür sein, dass... -
19 living
(livelihood) vie f;∎ what do you do for a living? qu'est-ce que vous faites dans la vie?;∎ to make a living? gagner sa vieliving allowance indemnité f de séjour;living conditions conditions f pl de vie;living expenses indemnité de séjour;living standards niveau m de vie;living wage minimum m vital;∎ £400 a month is not a living wage on ne peut pas vivre avec 400 livres par mois -
20 living *** liv·ing
['lɪvɪŋ]1. adj(alive: gen) vivo (-a), (person) vivente, in vita2. nto earn or make a living — guadagnarsi da vivere
the living — (people) i vivi
См. также в других словарях:
What do you do for a crust? — How do you earn a living? … Dictionary of Australian slang
what do you do for a crust? — Australian Slang How do you earn a living? … English dialects glossary
What You Waiting For? — Infobox Single Name = What You Waiting For? Artist = Gwen Stefani from Album = Love. Angel. Music. Baby. B side = Released = flagicon|USASeptember 28, 2004 flagicon|Europe November 15, 2004 Format = 12 single, digital download Recorded = Home… … Wikipedia
What Are You Talking About? — was a short lived British comedy series that aired on BBC Radio 4 in 1982, starring Steve Oxford and Robert Lindsay. It ran for 6 episodes but was never given a second series. It is notable as being one of Lindsay s first forays into… … Wikipedia
living — liv|ing1 [ˈlıvıŋ] adj 1.) alive now ≠ ↑dead ▪ He s one of the greatest living composers. ▪ The sun affects all living things (=people, animals, and plants) . ▪ a living language (=one that people still use) 2.) living proof if someone is living… … Dictionary of contemporary English
living — 1 adjective 1 alive now: one of the greatest living composers 2 living proof if someone is living proof of a particular fact, they are a good example of how true it is: I m living proof that you don t need a college degree to be successful. 3 in… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
living — 1. adjective /lɪvɪŋ/ a) A state of having life. It is also pertinent to note that the current obvious decline in work on holarctic hepatics most surely reflects a current obsession with cataloging and with nomenclature of the organisms as… … Wiktionary
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For — Single by U2 from the album The Joshua Tree … Wikipedia
I never told you what I do for a living — «I never told you what I do for a living» Canción de My Chemical Romance Álbum Three cheers for sweet revenge Publicación 8 de junio de 2004 … Wikipedia Español
Be Careful What You Wish For... (novella) — infobox Book | | name = Be Careful What You Wish For orig title = translator = author = R. L. Stine cover artist = country = United States language = English series = Goosebumps classification = fiction genre = Horror fiction, Children s… … Wikipedia
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For — «I Still Haven t Found What I m Looking For» 200px Sencillo de U2 del álbum The Joshua Tree Formato CD, 7 , 12 . Grabación Windmill Lane Studios, Dublín Irlanda Género(s) … Wikipedia Español